Solution for Messy Drawers

Messy drawers in my kids’ rooms drive me crazy! Here is a solution I came up with many years ago and it has proven helpful on many fronts.

1.) My kids fold their own clothes while learning how to match clothes that look good together

2.) When they were younger, I didn’t have to worry about them looking like urchins when they got dressed (although this still happened😂)

3.) Packing for vacations got much simpler

4.) I tried to only buy outfits so I didn’t end up with more pants, shorts, t-shirts, etc. than I needed (in theory😉).       

Don’t get me wrong, the drawers still get disorganized and the older my kids get, they have specific brands they like to wear and they don’t have bottoms for all their tops. But, I feel better knowing they know how beautiful their drawers can look:):) and they know how to match their clothes:)


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